Sunday, February 10, 2008

Baby Shower

Yesterday was the official baby shower at the Santa Fe Bar and Grill. The ladies had a room to themselves to dine, play games and open gifts. The gentleman were also in attendance but had the pamper party in a different section of the restaurant (the Bar). We would like to thank everybody who attended and for those who were not there, we felt you all in spirit. If you would like to see more of the photos from the shower just let us know and we can send them. Just an interesting fact; the photo with Claire in the middle is a photo of Grandma McBean, Great-Grandma Fuller, Claire, Grandma Riebsomer and Great-Grandma Baker. Including the boys, 4 generations in one picture!

1 comment:

adavey13 said...

Hey Chad it's your favorite cousin Ashley!! Ha ha... My mom forwarded me this assuming from your mother, and I was so excited to see your postings! Claire I'm sorry that I have yet to meet you, my sister says that you are a doll - and a beautiful one from the looks of it. I am really happy for the two of you, soon to be four.... please keep updating the pictures so we can see the littles ones when they arrive. My email is if you want to hit me back, your family is always welcome in Southern California you have a place to stay, and a baby sitter! Hope to see you soon.Congrats again!!