Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

On our way home from the ranch today, we met our friends, Justin, Kristin, and Ayden, in Moriarty at McCall's Pumpkin Patch.

Friday, October 23, 2009

More photos

This is our newest calf at less than 12 hrs old. The other photos are from our apple cider adventure. Devin was very interested in helping make the cider and the mechanics of it. While Logan performed quality control, he took one bite out of at least 100 apples.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Photos

Ok, I know it's been months. Sorry! I have a ton of pictures so we'll start with early Sept, when our friend Kat was here. We have been very busy getting ready for winter and taking the boys on fun adventures. We have been going up to the ranch every other weekend. Chad has been building a barbed wire fence with his dad and brother's. They are making a winter feeding pen for the cows. Our last calf for the year was born last weekend. We got to see it within 12 hours of being born. It was so cute. We have also been collecting fire wood for ourselves and my mom. We finished harvesting the garden and did the last of the canning. Since I last blogged, the boys had their first bowling experience, we took them to the zoo and the Children's Museum. They love to visit the pet store. They both love to look at the fish. We also picked apples and made fresh pressed apple cider. That's about all I can think of right now. Hope some of you out there still check this every now and then. Love to all!